liposculpture and fat reduction

ballancer® and liposculpting

The Ballancer® Treatment is the ideal partner to a fat loss program.

Whether you are performing a surgery or non-invasive liposuction (such as cryo-lipolysis or ‘fat freezing’), the Ballancer® Treatment speeds up the body’s natural healing process and enhance results.

The Ballancer® Treatment is administered pre-treatment to clear lymphatic congestion and optimise lymphatic flow. Post treatment, the gentle massage mode helps curb swelling and inflammation, brings healthy oxygenated blood to the upper dermal layers of the skin, and speeds up scar tissue repair.

Cryo-lipolysis patients see faster results when enrolled into the Ballancer® Treatment. Unlike traditional liposuction, fat cells are not removed, but frozen. This results in crystallisation and cell death. The rapid elimination of dead cells by the lymphatic system is facilitated through the Ballancer® Treatment.

ballancer® and fat reduction

It is easier to eliminate fat in those parts of the body that have optimal blood circulation, because the tissues are readily available as fuel for the body.

The Ballancer® targets body areas prone to stubborn fat deposits by boosting circulation and accelerating the transport of fatty acids via the blood. The fats become available to be burned in muscles as part of the normal metabolic process.

skin tone

using ballancer® to improve the appearance of the skin

The Ballancer® Treatment improves skin health:

  • by increasing the flow of oxygenated blood to the skin, promoting a fresh, young look
  • by removing waste and toxic build up in the body that can leave the skin looking dull and tired
  • by reducing excess fluid build-up, leaving the skin looking firm, toned and feeling smoother and softer

water retention

The Ballancer® Treatment is clinically proven to reduce limb and body swelling. The smooth, gentle, wave-like action of the Ballancer® moves excess fluid into and through the lymphatic vessels, concurrently boosting blood circulation. The combined actions lead to rapid elimination of excess fluid through the body’s normal waste removal process. Volume and discomfort reduction may be observed in a single session.

ballancer® has been clinically proven to reduce limb and body swelling

The body’s waste fluids pool within the circulatory system or body tissues when this fluid is not effectively removed by the lymphatic system. The fluid is retained in body tissues causing swelling – or oedema. It is commonly seen in the feet and legs, but can occur in hands, arms, thighs and abdomen.

Common triggers are:

  • injury or post-operative strain
  • standing upright for long periods of time
  • consumption of salty foods
  • hormonal imbalances – particularly in women
  • pregnancy
  • medications, such as antidepressants, painkillers and blood pressure medication
  • after air travel, when long periods of inactivity cause the tissues to swell
  • hot weather, where the body reacts by storing water in case of dehydration

Swelling/oedema from water retention occurs when the lymphatic system is overwhelmed by the amount of fluid to be removed either because an unusually large amount is being produced – as in a number of the examples above – or because the lymphatic system is not working effectively due to illness (such as lymphoedema) or trauma (such as an accident or surgery).

Detox and Weight Loss

the ballancer® and detox

Detox programs can leave us feeling deprived and hungry. The notion is that we need a recurring detox regime to cleanse our body. The lure of a green juice fast is sometimes hard to resist, even though the results can be short lived as soon as we return to our normal way of life.

The truth is, our bodies are incredible machines. When we incorporate the right food in our daily regime, it will naturally detox and cleanse. We will be on the right track without the need for extreme regimen. Imagine the body as a car engine. Clean fuel translates to smooth performance of the engine.

We know that is easier said than done. GMOs, pesticides, preservatives, long distance transportation of food contribute to toxicity and degraded nutrient value of food - this is the 'unclean' fuel that runs our bodies.

The Ballancer® assists the lymphatic system in mobilization of toxins and other waste that may overwhelm our bodies. It is a detox without deprivation. Go ahead, say no to that wierd tasting smoothie! Detox is more than 'cleansing' juices

the ballancer® and weight loss

Did you know that optimal blood circulation promotes fat burning?  Fat burns more readily in the parts of the body that have a strong blood flow than in those areas where circulation is poor.

Ballancer® promotes  venous return and facilitates optimal blood circulation to body areas affected by compromised blood circulation.

Do you find it difficult to treat fat and cellulite from certain areas of the body despite following a healthy diet and exercise regime? Rest assured, it is not your body type!

Gut Health

clearing the central lymphatics with ballancer®

The gut is more than a tube through which everything we eat and drink passes through. It is a ‘second brain’ relaying messages to many parts of the body.

It is in the gut, specifically the small intestine, that the largest of all the lymphatic vessels – the thoracic duct - can be found. The fats we consume are transported to the heart via the thoracic duct.

This is because fat is not water soluble. It cannot be absorbed directly into the bloodstream. Because it would clog the tiny blood vessels and other delicate structures of the gut. Instead, the fat bypasses the gut, and travels directly to the heart by means of the thoracic duct. The fats are coated with a protein in the heart, and can now be carried through the water based environments of the body. This is when fats enter the bloodstream and can be processed as fuel.

A sluggish, compromised lymphatic system will hinder this process, causing an unhealthy build-up of fats in the digestive system.

A single treatment within the Ballancer® Program helps  clear the central lymphatics that are so crucial in this process. The Ballancer® Program is designed to restore gut health through gentle mobilization, and avoids burdening the gut with new or unfamiliar 'detox' therapies.

Fitness and Exercise

using ballancer® for active sport recovery and improve blood circulation.

The Ballancer® Program facilitates active sport recovery. The deep tissue therapy is relaxing, enjoyable and a great way to speed up healing via improved blood circulation.

Incorporated as a part of the fitness routine, the Ballancer® Program delivers the following advantages:

  • ACTIVE SPORT RECOVERY: Repaying the oxygen debt is essential to remove the lactic acid that builds up as a result of strenuous physical exercise. The Ballancer® speeds recovery from muscle soreness following sporting activity by increasing the flow of freshly oxygenated blood to tired muscles
  • REDUCED MUSCLE SORENESS: The Ballancer® administers a peristaltic massage action to speed up the removal of  toxins that are produced as a by-product of physical activity. The Ballancer® Program soothes, relaxes and decongests the muscles, easing post exercise aches and pains.
  • IMPROVED CIRCULATION: The Ballancer® administers smooth, uni-directional, wave-like compression on the peripheral veins. Thus, it acts as an ‘external assistant’ in enhancing circulation.
  • LYMPHATIC SYSTEM: Lymphatic mobilization results in faster removal of toxins built up as a result of physical exertion.
  • RELAXATION: The Ballancer® therapy is enjoyable. It imparts an experience of feeling energised, light and well. A goal in itself, wouldn’t you say?

Stress Relief

ballancer® helps the body eliminate stress-fighting hormones

let’s talk about stress!

The chemistry of stress is degenerative and lymph congesting. Stress is one of the major causes of poor lymphatic health.

Stress Creates an Acidic Environment. When under stress, the body is forced to manufacture and secrete excess stress-fighting hormones to boost energy. In fact, stress is a contributor in 80% of all chronic health issues.

Stress hormones create free radicals, which cause of premature aging.   The hormones and free radicals are acidic. Their sustained presence alters the alkalinity and cellular chemistry of blood, causing blood to become more acidic. This creates a cascade of ill-health symptoms and conditions

The Ballancer® helps manage stress by keeping the lymphatic system free of congestion and by inducing relaxation.